"And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of feeling in the heart will be enquired into the Day of Reckoning"
My Hits

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Keputusan Kuiz Nonsense!
hehehehe...sekarang, despite of kesibukan semasa yg sedang di alami, i came out with a quite nonsense idea to conduct a simple survey which involve 10 of my most adorable edinburgh good friends. mereke2 yg malang itu (aqtar, wawan, firdaus, wan, suz, jal, mar, mai, farah and eli) telah ditujahkan satu soalan yg simple dan dipaksa memberi reason utk jawapan yg di beri. hehehe...at first i tot this would be fun and sume org akan excited menjawab serta memberi hujah2 masing2 mcm yg dierg sume slalu lakukan. well mende ni bukan sgtlah pun utk akutp more tu melihat reaksi dan response serta sokongan rerakan terhadap diri ku.hahaha....agak diluar jangkaan jugaklah bile ade yg tak merespon langsung. tp takpe.paham2.masing busy dgn kehidupan masing (menaip sambil nyanyi lagu syahdu utk meningkatkan mood pasrah)
soalannya berbunyi begini:
" you make me feel better about things than anybody else but you dont even do anything" - kepada siapakah Afiq menujukan kenyataan ini?well comelkan soklanya...actually itu adelah petikan dari filem Junebug. biasela aku suke cilox dialog muvie2 kiut ni. kawaii....
below are the responses that i recieved from them!
Jalilah IdrisFirst respon Jal ialah "apekah"..jal seakan tak biase plak dgn soklan2 dramatik ni kan.well jal juge ade mengatakan yg mende ni tak fun for her as far as shes concern which sedikit sebanyak menyebabkan aku tergamam sketika tatau nak respon balik kat die. but she did answered.malangnya jal tak diberi arahan utk memberi reason terhadap asnwer2 nye maka result social experiment ni agak sedikit affected. dgn tanpa sbrg alasan dinyatakan jal telah menjawab
Wan & Firdaus...hurmm....
Mardiana Asmuni kak mar kite telah memberi respon yg neutral dan selamat. die juge berjaya menjawab tanpa memberi sebarang respon dr segi emosi. mase bace msg mar kat facebook, not even trace amount of emosi diberikan. mar ko mmg layak jd pengadil.nampak ciri2 sorg wanita yg adil. tp gedix2 tu ade la sket sbb bile aku suruh bg jawapan yg lebih romantik sket die nak suggest name sdr tp since dah ade balak so die tak jwb diri sdr. jawapan mar yg sgt selamat tu ialah mak dan abah. mcm nak reject je jawapan ni sbenarnye sbb as far as i'm concer mak abah aku telah melakukan segala2 nya utk memastikan aku happy dan bagus.so takle la kate
Mak & Abah aku tak wat pape but still make me feel better about things kan kan kan...heheh..tp accepted gak la jawapan ni.
Firdaus Amaran anak mamaran ni despite of telah diberikan bermacam2 maklumat ttg diri aku luar dan dalam sejak kenal 3 bulan ni telah memberikan jawapan di luar jangkaan aku. tetapi beliau harus lah dipuji sbb jawab dgn pantas.terdapat juga rasa ingin tahu dlm msg2 yg die bg.hahaha....dgn bangganya firdaus jawab dirinya sendiri (
Firdaus ) sbg org yg kununnya aku akan tujukan kenyataan tu.hahaha.alasan yg diberi ialah "Well,I saw the status after our wee conflict two days ago.So I presumed it's directed at me"...hahhaa....firdaus..kalulah wee conflict tu mengaffect kehidupan i, takde keje la i nak bg kenyataan sweet2 ni kat u plak kan. anyway taide sbrg rasa keras di ambil terhdp ape yg telah terjd tempoh hari. anggaplah tu circle of life.
Suzliza ShukorMaharani ni dgn segala sifar kemaharaniannya telah menjawab "of course moi. who else b*****" (dalam erti kata lain dirinya sendiri lah sebagai jawapan). baginda juga telah meminta talian hayat diberikan agar tidak menimbulkan garis2 penuaan kat muke dek berfikir utk menjawab soklan yg apparently sukar ni.haha..setelah diberi penerangan kali kedua, baginda maharani telah memutuskan utk tidak melayan lagi karenah aku lalu tak membalas msg tu dah. aku jugak telah dikurniakan darjah "peasant boy" bahana quiz ni. so aku assumelah die jwb
Suzliza. mcm tau2 jek takde org nak jwb name die.hahaha
Eliana Saffiepade mulenye eli telah menawab soklan aku dgn sebuah soklan lagi. dan apebila ditanya balik die jawab Allah. sbg tuhan yg maha berkuasa Allah lah yg memiliki diri aku ini dan semua yg aku miliki dan semuanyalah kat bumi ni. and no further komen about that. fyi mar pun mule2 bg jawapan yg sama. pastuh selepas diperkemaskan semula keadaan eli jwb
Wafi dgn alasan kitorg sgt rapat mase wafi ade kat sini dulu. begitu kuat ingatan eli. well tak perlu pun ingatan yg kuat utk igt.hahaha...comel jek.eli jwb soklan ni dgn rasa penuh perhatian spt die mendgr aku bace status2 bebudak dlm facebook mase cuti arituh.hahaha....
Aqtar Mohamed aqtar menang la kuiz ni if aku wat kiraan masa.die jwb pantas gile.lom smpt taip abes pun soklan die dah send jawapan. u mmg dramatik. dan suke exegerate juge. aqtr jawab
Wan tp lupe plak ape alasan die. cume yg aku igt aqtar nye tahap keexegeratan tu sgtlah tinngi. if only i can remember ape yg aqtar ckp psal matahari terbit wutsoeva tu. isk isk isk...hurmm...dah makin pendek plak entry n since dah nak last2 ni..malas lak nak tulis...isk isk isk...
Ridzuan Idriskalau kuiz ni pemenang ikut sape yg plg tak byk soal wan boleh la mng kot. jawapan straight foward je. emosi pun minimum. tatau la ape mood die mase jwb soklan ni. kalu takde "hehe" dlm msg die maka takdelah sbrg emosi dlm jawapan wan. tp papepun wan jawab objek yg plg comel kat rumah aku ni..haha...wan jawab
Uri Uri ..haha...terdiam jugak la aku bc jawapan ni. alasan wan jwb uri2 ialah sbb uri2 aku asik gune uri2 nye gambar jek lately. comel la uri2..hehehe...(tetibe)
Redzuan Dahlanwawan leh menang kategori plg enthu ye. bukan setakat memberi jawapan. die juge telah melakukan follow up dgn menganjurkan forum bersama rakan2nya yg lain. tak pasti la ape sebab die buat discussion tu. maybe nak memastikan jawapan die betul ataupun saje2 curious nak tau jawapan org lain.hahaha. wawan jawab
Firdaus sbb die kate aku rapat dgn firdaus and mungkin aku ngan firdaus gaduh2 pastu aku kaurkan statement tu. hahaha...firdaus skarang u sounds more like my boyfren plak dah.hahah...tetapi menurut sumber2 yg boleh dipercayai, wawan mulenye turut mengkonsider
Wan sbg jawapan tp gagal mencari sebab2 yg kukuh utk menyokong jawapan tu.hahaha...harus ke?
Maisarah Sallehuddinthe first and only respon that i got from he was "takde keje". mungkin mai dah matang skarang maka takmau dah layan kerje2 tak berfaedah ni. takpe lah.malas nak bg hujah.
Farah Farhanahfarah plak smpi skang tak bg respon.mungkin die busy juga.
Conclusionsecara tuntasnya saya agak berpuas hati jugaklah dgn usaha2 mereke nak meluangkan 10 plg lame pun 10 minutes of their time utk aku. terima kasih utk 10 minute korg tu, hanya Allah tahu betapa bermaknanya 10 minute buat aku. bukan aku nak tau jawapan nye pun. aku just nak tau kesangupan korg melayan karenah aku. rindu kat korg semua semoga jumpa kat usrah next week....muax...thanks!!!!
posted @ 10:18 PM
wasn't meant to be*
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just Another Day
i tried to download some movies but my rapidshare just expired. it's not my turn to renew anyway and i hate to ask my supposedly rakan kongsi in this thing to renew it. i think i shud just change the password and have the account for myself instead. lazy fat ass. always mcm ni.
today ade usrah. well i would rather call it as get together with a little religious input than usrah2. taklah too little sgt but i think its enough to remind me of who i am and what's my main goal in life. i like it that way.simple and informal. and bersesuaian dgn my current development of ilmu2 kerohanian. after usrah, activity2 yg kurang productiviti (according to firdaus). tgk klip2 sengal from aqtar's brother, talking about cute and memorable family matters, eating lots of junk food and many more which from my point of view are more productive than playing mafia or habole. rugi u firdaus tak dpt input.
posted @ 2:00 AM
wasn't meant to be*
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Very Own 14th January 2009
6.18 am - woken up by the disturbingly loud nature of the Lori Sampah's sound, but luckily my eardrums desensitized quikly and i felt asleep within 2 seconds
6.30 am - my samsung armani shaken the entire flat off...snoozed for i don't know how many times until....
8.38 am - hancur sudah..subuh definitely gajah...sigh..
8.44 am - nice hot shower with my favourite herbal essences chinese ginger shampoo and conditioner, dove shower gel and expired safi balqis orange scrub that wafi bought about 4 years ago...rahsia kecantikkan mak! sorry to my flatmate for using your colgate without your permission for this past week.
9.15 am - had breakfast: last night left over nescaffe and crunchy nuts. cheked my emails, facebook, myed bla bla bla....
9.31 am - ran for the king's building lothing bus 41 across the slippery spooky square wich i seem to not remember it's name at this moment...
9.39 am - 4 minutes delayed bus 41 finally arrived. i thanked the bus driver for not being on time this time around...
9.49 am - arrived in KB. saw afifah for the first time after a year (was it really that long eh?) but i decided to use my pura2 tak perasan if come acrooss another malay protocol.
9.57 am - arrived at Swann building room 229 together with natasha cain. got a loud warm welcome from Kasia and less warm, unwelcoming welcome from jal and elly..hahah...mentang2lah aku tak caucasian enough...
10.10 am - Bruce Ward started talking and my mind automatically wondered around.it started to go across the room, slowly across the world. i think i was in prague when suddenly the briefing ends. then i realized i got like 4 1500 words essays to be completed together with a 10 pages lit review in just one month. i wan't to kill myself but now im just too busy.
11.03 am - went to computer lab with one main goal : to abuse the free printing service
12.01 pm - lunch with jal, elly and tim at Kb house. had a very hard and cheap fish fillet with a tasteless chips. i refuse to call it fish and chips because as far as i'm concern, it wasn't
1.30 pm - went to surau. no details provided. owh.i met abubakar on my way to surau. he's getting skinnier. sakit kot. my prays goes to bakar may he become buffier than ever.muahahaha
2.09 - wah its getting lame now after 14 hours of 14 th january 2009. went to the honours room.tried to finish my lentivirus journalsss (emphasis on the multiple Ss) but obviously attemp failed after iris come and whining (she wasn't actually) bout her lab works.
4.00 pm - safety talk. i managed to finish three quarters of my journal (no S..sigh...)
4.41 pm - shuttle bus back to town.home here i come...
5.09 pm - arrived at my beloved yet tongkanged room. i forgot to turn on the heater and as a consequence my room became the coldest point in edinburgh. staright away i downloaded american idol.
5.17 pm - started watching American Idol 8 - Arizona
5.22 pm - pakcik meter letrik came to get the electric meter reading. well thats kinda wierd. he never came before.
6.52 pm - after some laughes and tears, and a tube of pringles, and a pint full of nescaffe, the show ended. thinking of going to aqtar's place but....
6.56 pm - chat with wan. posted to him one nice link that i thought he should listen.
7.16 pm - started to finish my lentivirus journal so that i can start with a new one.....sigh so hard to do...
9.08 pm - managed to finish the journal and try to open a new one but instead i stucked writting this entry. then i decided to go to aqtar's just to make a point to him that i'm not biased.haha..but i am actually.....hahahahahaha
10.42 pm - after half periuk of daging masak kicap, hairspray and enchanted, i went back to my room and continue writing this entry.isk isk isk
11.09 pm - finish writing. just another 51 minutes left..opsss...now only 50 minutes left before my 14th january 2009 ended.i guest nothing much will happen after this before i go to sleep.actually this is pretty much what happen in my life everyday lately.owh owh owh....
daaaaaa daaaaaaaaaa....
posted @ 8:24 PM
wasn't meant to be*
hurmm...now everybody are talking about what happen in Gaza this recent times. its not that i don't want to talk about it.i just don't know what to talk about. everything that currently happen seem like a night mares to me, only that it involves real human being. no word can describe the pain, fear and desperation that our fellow friends in Gaza are facing through right now. i just can't sit around doing nothing when at least 2 peoples were killed every hour of this past 21 days. i've marched, ive prayed, i,ve done everything that i could yet nothing changes. but never give up and never lose hope. never lose faith and never stop trying. we can plan and god make plans too, and His plans are always best.
" Ya Allah, selamatkanlah hamba-hamba Mu di bumi Gaza, berikanlah mereka kekuatan, hentikanlah segala bencana yang sedang mereka tempuhi dan berikanlah balasan yang setimpal ke atas rejim zionis.amin...."
posted @ 12:37 PM
wasn't meant to be*
Monday, January 12, 2009
Down Down Down
it feels a bit wierd, suddenly perasaan resah mcm2 baru first day kat skolah asrama dtg, kene paksa diri tidur walaupun tak mengantuk and rasa mcm tak mau esok tu dtg but at the same time nak hari ni berlalu dgn cepatnya. sgtlah down utk memikirkannya byk2.
bangun pagi mesti terpikir yg i actually got 1 lesser day to be with my frens here. isk isk isk. kalu ikutkan hati takmo berpisah jek dgn sape2 pun.kalu boleh tu nak bertebeng jek kat semua org. ahh syahdunye berair bijik mate.tp malang skali sume org pun ade kapasiti masa yg terhad utk aku. sume pun ade kewajipan diri memasing tuk dipenuhi. plus, siapalah aku ni disisi mereke. omg...not that thing again.stop stop stop.
actually hari ni was a far better day for me than semalam yg cilake menyedut. suprisingly bangun pg td dgn sgtlah a very fat good moodnya wpun tido mlm td resah mcm sial.mungkin sbb bantal busuk aku (taning) telah di basuh dan aku sgt menyesal membasuhnya kerana baunya kini mcm ariel 30. sgtlah tak syiok utk tidur ala2 hilang segala rasa kesan kasih sygkat bantal tu. ah kejam. tp actually smlm mmg hari yg buruk, jauh lebih buruk dr membasuh bantal busuk. mungkin sbb graviti bulan sgt kuat lalu telah mempengaruhi tekanan bendalir dlm otak aku yg telah sediakala rungsing ni.
hurmmm...yg lepas tu lupekan la.
yey hari ni first day kat roslin. it was far better dr ape yg aku anticipated kan. bus journey pun dah tak terasa sebegitu panjang mcm2 mase induction day dulu. and suasana taklah seawkward mana yg aku duk bygkan before. cume mase coffee break (which started 10 minutes after i arrived) was a bit janggal. ade 8 org yg semuanya scienctist dokter belake kumpul satu corner dgn aku satu2nye undergrad hingusan kat situ. luckyly dierg tak bercerita pasal semua kekompleksan ujikaji2 mereke instead diorg cerita pasal anjing mereka mengejar tupai, ayah mereka menembak tupai dan squirrel pie.
kat roslin aku dpt sebuah office yg kiut and my office mate bernama dr. douglas valey yg juga merangkap supervisor aku.isk isk isk.mujur la die busy kehulu kehilir maka bilik tu mcm aku punye jugakla. pastu ade sebijik laptop dell yg butang deletenya sgt random smpi aku tak tau kat ne.susah plak nak koordinate jari. dan dgn semangnya selepas waktu pejabat (cey cey) aku telah bershopping membeli mug and coaster utk bersaing dgn mereka2 disitu.muahahaha
ahhh bosan plak syok2 sendiri kaat sini. tapi takpe.atleast aku dpt jugak luahkan rasa happy aku. nak share kat kwn2 semua pun busy and there's a great chance yg dierg takle appriciate kehappyan aku ni.hik hik hik....
posted @ 10:42 PM
wasn't meant to be*
Sunday, January 11, 2009
You've Got A Friend - Carole Kings
When you're down and troubled
And you need some loving care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend
If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep you head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knocking at you door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend
Now I'm stuck with Carole Kings. Each time i switched my tiny greeny ipod on, i will play Carole Kings's songs...oh my oh my....i like " Beautiful " better but i posted this lyrics instead just because i always wish that somebody would sing this to me for real, not just by Carole Kings from my playlist.
posted @ 11:49 PM
wasn't meant to be*
Saturday, January 10, 2009
False Hope
At one point i thought that i'm gonna give up this blog but as now i'm getting lonely this thing is the only thing that keep me going. well at least i don't have to keep all my feelings to myself anymore. at least i know that i can write it here and get away with it. yeah.
i don't know why, despite the fact that i have many good friends here, still i feel like being deserted in a way. i laughed, i smiled, but deep inside none of the expression valid, it just doesn't make sense. not in any way.
everytime when i feel like sharing or doing something with anyone, i started to doubt myself. will anyone appriciate me as equal if not more? will they laugh? will they remember? oh i'm so in a state of hating myself for thinking wierdly. it's not that i hate my friends. nothing like that. i'm just being stubbornly wierd. i can't think straight at the moment.
no one will will like me, not anymore if i continue being this way. no one will treat me better. i realized this thing quite well now but to change the way i always are is almost impossible. it its actually possible but its nothing like switching the light on and off. its far more complicated.
come to think about it again, false hope is not an appropriate title for this entry. in fact nothing written here make any sense what so ever. just an excuse for me to whine aboute myself. just a reason for me to feel bad about everything good that always happen in front of me. oh afiq stop whining. stop being such a cry baby.
posted @ 4:32 PM
wasn't meant to be*
Friday, January 09, 2009
update yg haram bosan
wah wah wah..cepatnye mase bergerak...aku dah tua 42 hari dr time aku last tulis cotek2 kat mende alah blog ni.aih...dek kerana bosan sgt arini makanya aku jenguk jugak la kan.just in case nanti aku mati ke esok luse ade la jugak bukti2 ke ape2 ke kat sini.
hurmmm....bile dah start tulis selalunye terus hilang ape yg nak ckp. bosan betul.tp papepune xam sudah berlalu and esok start term terakhir dlm hidup sbg seorg undergrad hingusan...muahahaha...seronoknyeeeeeeeeeeee.....(actually tak la seseronok yg digambarkan). esok dah start kene pegi roslin, malas sekali nak travel pegi balik ke roslin yg memakan masa 2 jam..argh tertekan tertekan...dah la my super tak contact2 lg aku...beranak agaknye bini die sbb ariuh katenye sarat ngandung. goodluck la utk ke roslin esok.
aih aih....abah still dalam ward lg. dah 4 minggu kot.at one point dah givup plak nak kira hari. lame sgt.everyday aku doakan jek yg terbaik buat abah. jika hidup itu lebih baik baginya maka sembuhkanlah abah dgn segera tapi jika mati itu lebih baik maka matikanlah abah dgn mudah dan tempatkan dia di kalangan org2 yg beriman. mama ckp abah dah takle jalan.semuanya kat atas katilsounds bad tp abah still lg boleh ckp2. cume ckpnye tu sgtlah slow dan termengah2. syahdu pulak rasenye.susah jd anak bongsu ni rupenye....isk isk isk
edinburgh lately dah bosan sket.dgn cuaca yg mcm peti sejok telebey gas ni.jari jemari ni dah tak terkira dah berape kali terkoyak free2.nak beli gloves malas sbb selalunye hilang a week after di beli.nak tak nak tahan aje lah. well slain dr cuace sejuk ni, dinamika sosial kat sini pun sudah beranjak. dah boleh nampak inner circle establishment.dah tak within my comfort zone dah. kene la aku jugak mengadakan anjakkan paradigma sket utk menyesuaikan keadaan. bosan.
well skang wpun dah pukul 5 suku petang (dah gelap gelita actually) aku tgh duk dgr lagu beautiful - carole king...sumber inspirasi la sket lagu ni tatkala mata tu mcm nak terkatup jek bgn pagi2. harini jek dah dgr 18 kali. hahahahaha.sj nak motivatekan diri yg ala ala takde motivasi lately.
eh lupe plak cuti arituh ade kawan2 dtg from dublin, leicester n manchester.seronok gile kot time tu. dgn gossip2 terkini semua. plus edinburgh ni mmg cantik so menggebah la aku bangga show off dgn dierg (nak2 kat dak dublin..haruzla dublin sampah ok) betapa chantiquenye edinburgh ni dlm apa jua keadaan sekalipun.pastu bile semua org dah balik aku meroyan sorg2 attau nak wat ape dah.menggelabah je.
ape2 jek..skang aku tgh tahap miskin ni ha.duit takde sgt sbb shopping mcm org gile tak igt dunia. boxing day t erakhir kene la aku meroyan2 keliling edin ni. berbakul2 brg aku beli.seronoknye shopping.sgt terapeutik.sihat skejap rohan iaku slepas bershopping rebut2 mcm sial kat next.sanggup beratur kul 6 pg sbb kedai bukak kul 7 semata2 nak dptkan jaket idaman yg unfortunately tak sale.muahahahaha....papepun puas jugak la berjuang boxing day tu.
aih ape jek lg ek.cm byk mende jek terjadi...isk isk lupe plak skang dah 2009.azam tahun baru? takde azam.takdan nak pk.busy pegi street party tgk bunga ape grand2.pastu tgk torchlight prosession plus bunga api lagi.isk isk...hogmanay kat sini haram meriah. 4 hari celebration.patutla aku takdan nak berazam.aci ke ek kalu start azam tahun baru 1 ferbruary?
tak pun 9 september 09 ke? catchy sket tarikh tuh.muahahhahaha
isk...udadeh...penat bercheloteh...see ya.
posted @ 5:06 PM
wasn't meant to be*