
"And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of feeling in the heart will be enquired into the Day of Reckoning"


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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

life after uni..

it's not boring as commonly described. it's just hard to be explained in words. one time you like it. another time u don't. i miss my uni life, uni friends, uni everything. working is fun, fun in its own way. not like fun fun, but its fun.

posted @ 5:57 AM
wasn't meant to be*

Wasn't meant to be...

im afiq...afiq adham.born in pahang,grew up in negri sembilan and now live in terengganu.currently a biologycal sciences student in edinburgh university.wish me luck cause im now struglin in almost everything im in.


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