
"And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of feeling in the heart will be enquired into the Day of Reckoning"


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Saturday, February 27, 2010


in my room currently.
waiting for me mum to call. need to fetch her from masjid later.
got a flight to catch tonight. anyone free tonight feel free to fetch me at LCCT around 11pm
got another flight to catch tomorrow. anyone free tomorrow morning, feel free to send me off to KLIA
arghh...life is busy. currently very busy.
lots of traveling. my ban ban is already 5000km old. need his second service already just after a month.
wheres ambank wheres ambank. oh how i wish my loan can pay for itself.
i need a home but i aint homeless. just couple of RM richer than homeless..currently

posted @ 2:29 AM
wasn't meant to be*

Wasn't meant to be...

im afiq...afiq adham.born in pahang,grew up in negri sembilan and now live in terengganu.currently a biologycal sciences student in edinburgh university.wish me luck cause im now struglin in almost everything im in.


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